Synopsis for marketing people

Elevate your marketing with insights

Uncover patterns of your prospects

Emerging trends identification

Uncover insights from the writings of those discussing your brand. Identify patterns and trends to optimize the launch of your future campaign launches.

Following feedback from uncovered sources

From specialized forums, blogs, to social media, we collect feedback from diverse sources. We scope your requirements and adapt or develop custom connectors to suit your specific needs.

Improve your customer satisfaction

Customer journey

Visualize your customer journey and the associated emotions at each step. Manage your steps and AI takes care of analyzing which steps are functioning and which ones aren't.

Marketing action plan

Document all tasks hidden behind your customer insights. Utilize the built-in task addition feature to seamlessly organize, prioritize, and execute your marketing strategies for optimal results.

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Understand at scale the needs of your customers

1. Centralize

All your feedback at one place

NPS, in-app surveys, interviews, social media and more

2. Discover

Insights suggested by AI

Manageable taxonomy, topic inspiration with AI, user journey

3. Act

Action plan based on insights

Visual insights, insight and task management